Major: Chemical Engineering; French and Francophone Studies
Email: nina.huczko@uconn.edu
I am currently a senior at UConn studying Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering as well as French and Francophone Studies. I have been a member of Engineering Ambassadors since Fall 2018. I started off by training to become an EA Tour Guide, and then becoming the VP of Tour Guides during the 2019-2020 year. My goal as VP of Tour Guides was to improve the quality of the branch by shaping and inspiring a committed group of engineering enthusiasts, so that every single family left the School of Engineering Tours with a smile. Last year I served as co-president with the task of transitioning our outreach to our new virtual world. Currently, I am serving as co-president again with the goal of pivoting back to in-person outreach and recreating our close-nit community.