Disha Mankodi

Major: Biomedical Engineering


Disha Mankodi is a senior undergraduate student studying biomedical engineering. She has been a part of Engineering Ambassadors since her freshman year, when she volunteered at events such as Science Bowl and Stem Night through the organization. After her sophomore year at UConn, Disha joined Presentation Team, the branch of Engineering Ambassadors that visits schools around Connecticut and presents to students about various topics in STEM. Loving her experience as a Presentation Team member, Disha became even more involved her senior year and is now the Co-VP of On Campus Events of Engineering Ambassadors. In this position, Disha helps coordinate events that bring K-12 students to UConn to experience hands-on demonstrations, engaging them in activities related to engineering and giving them the college feel. With this leadership position, and as a general member of Engineering Ambassadors, Disha is excited to continue inspiring the youth of Connecticut to realize their potential!